Then I got 3 different size circle punches.
The largest punch made up the body and the wings. The middle punch was the head, and the smallest made the dots on the wings. So, start by punching a head and a body. Then glue the head to body.
Next, make a punch with the large circle, and punch it with a few small holes. I also cut a small curve on the bottom of some of the wings
Glue the wings on the bodies, add some antennae, and thats it!
These were super easy to make, but around 80 or so, I started getting kinda lazy. That's why some look better than others :P
My mom helped me tape them to strings and hang them from a hangar.
Pretty cool, right? And don't I look almost 100? Only almost because my hair was supposed to look white, but it looked a light dusty gray at best.